“Our Goal... Healthy bones for every body.”

Our Impact
Did you know that over six million Australians, including adults and children, suffer from painful musculoskeletal conditions such as scoliosis, sciatica, osteoporosis, rickets and poor healing fractures? Not only does this cause a lot of pain for sufferers, but also costs around $6 billion each year in treatment*.
That’s why we’re passionate about our message of “Healthy Bones for Every Body”
Since 1991, The Bone Health Foundation has raised in excess of $2.5 Million dollars to fund research and educate the public about the importance of bone health
Since 2020 alone, the Bone Health Foundation has awarded in excess of $400,000 of grants and co funded a further $270,000 nationally in conjunction with the ANZBMS.
Million Dollars Raised
Thanks to our donations from our corpororate and private supporters The Bone Health Foundation has raised in excess of $2.5 Million dollars to fund research and educate the public about the importance of Bone Health
Years Serving communities
The Bone Health Foundation was formed in Adelaide in 1991 and is celebrating over 30 years of funding Researchers in SA!
Primary School Visits
We have visited over 400 schools with our very own Skeleton Crew performance education over 4000 South Australian children about Calcium, Vitamin D and Exersice for Healthy Bones!
The Foundation
The Bone Health Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation that raises money for education and research into bone health and musculoskeletal conditions that affect Australians of all ages.
The Foundation receives no government funding.
Established in Adelaide in 1991, the Foundation has raised and invested in excess of $2.5 million into Australian based research and education projects to improve the bone health and wellbeing of all those affected by poor bone health.
Our Supporters
Our Programs
Our goal at the Bone Health Foundation is get the message out to all Australians young and old about the importance of CALCIUM, VITAMIN D and EXERCISE. That’s why developed programs to go into schools to get the message out!
Our mantra is ‘Healthy bones for every body’
We also work behind the scenes to fund research into musculoskeletal disorders so we can improve the outcomes for thousands of Australians with bone diseases.
The Bone Health Foundation is proud to partner with the ANZBMS to offer Grant Funding to musculoskeletal researchers nationally. To find out more about the grants on offer or to apply, follow the link below.
Primary Education
To get the message out about bone health to Primary school students we offer a program designed to educate children about the importance of looking after their bones which is lined to the current Units of Work. The simple message is you need Calcium, Vitamin D and Exercise to build and maintain healthy bones.
For over 30 years, the Bone Health Foundation has be supporting the field of musculskeletal research. In recent years the Bone Health Foundation has committed over $400,000 to fund Seed Grants for early career Researchers, is well as partnering with the ANZBMS to offer a Grant-in Aid program, as well as 2 exciting new grants.
To find out about our current programs head to our Research page
Upper Primary Program
Our Schools program, targeted toward Upper primary students helps teach students about the importance of bone health!
Designed to align with the Education Departments Units of work, Students research Bone related facts and design a poster, power point presentation or short movie demonstrating the importance of CALCIUM, VITAMIN D and EXERCISE for strong and healthy bones!
For more information email as at info@bonehealth.org.au
Hip Dysplasia
The increased incidence of the late diagnosis of Hip Dysplasia or ‘Clicky Hips’ has been uncovered by one of our researchers Associate Professor Nicole Williams. This has lead to a dedicated clinic at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital and a full training program roll out by CaFHS to improve screening methods and increase early detection.